The Book

An Accumulated History of Studer's was printed and distributed in 1992. All of the printed 355 copies were spoken for and delivered. This website was created after the book and originally launched in 1994.

DOWNLOAD the Studer book in PDF form. Eight sections, 100 pages.
FYI, the family charts listed in this PDF book are out of date.

cover design
pages 01 - 15
pages 16 - 28
pages 29 - 45
pages 46 - 51
pages 52 - 66
pages 67 - 81
pages 82 - 100

To VIEW, READ or PRINT a PDF, you must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer, smart phone or pad. Adobe Systems, Inc. permits the free distribution of this software. Download Adobe Reader here --link--

You can view the pdf files in this browser window - OR - download the files to your desktop. You can print the files after you have downloaded them. The recommended fonts for these Studer pdf files are Times and Helvetica. Although Arial can be substituted for Helvetica. Section size varies, some files will take longer to download. The PDF format allows you to view and print a publication close in appearance to the original printed version. Note, photographs generally print poorly. PDF files are printer independent and should print on any graphics printer (example: laser, inkjet, dot-matrix) but not on daisy-wheel printers.

Book Disclaimer
The information and data for the book "An Accumulated History of Studers" was compiled primarily by Richard E. and Gina L. Studer. To the best of their knowledge, the research and information presented, was correct and complete. Most of the dates and information shown on the charts were provided by family members from each line. Editorial license was exercised in order to limit the length and enhance the readability of the publication. All photos were choosen for their ability to visually represent the individual. Please do not view the book as the absolute last word on Studer genealogical history; rather use it as a guide and reference.